Brad Lucas

Programming, Clojure and other interests

S3 Website Hosting

August 8, 2017

You can host a static web site simply using a S3 bucket. To do so create your bucket and select it in the AWS console.


Select properties tab and then click on the 'Static website hosting' box. When prompted note the end point as this will be the url to your site. Then select 'Use this bucket to host a website'. Enter the appropriate index document. Typically, it will be index.html but if you have a different default page enter it here and save the prompt.


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Emacs And Solidity

August 7, 2017

After working with Solidity for a while and using javascript-mode it finally dawned on me to look for a Solidity mode and viola one exists.

Try package-list in Emacs and look for `solidity-mode'

solidity-mode      20170712.1442 installed             Major mode for ethereum's solidity language

If you don't see it you will need to point to MELPA so package.el can find it. See the repo link below for more details.

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Creating a private Ethereum testnet

August 6, 2017

Working against a local private testnet is very useful when you are developing your own smart contracts for Ethereum. It is faster and you don't have to worry about ether and having enough for gas.


One of the simplest methods to run a local testnet is to install testrpc. When done just run the command testrpcs and you'll have a local node with accounts running for you to excercise your code against.

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Installing The Solidity Plugin Into Webstorm And PyCharm

August 5, 2017

The following instructions work for other JetBrains environments. Here I only added the Solidity plugin to WebStorm and PyCharm.

The latest version of the Solidity plugin is available here:


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August 4, 2017

I found an interesting tool which I've been using to show current cryptocurrency values. It is called Cryptop. It is a Python app which shows current values for a cryptocurrency portfolio.

See it's git repo for the detail on how to install and run.

If you want the green screen shown in the instructions edit the config.ini in .crypto directory which is created after you first run the app. Change the default values to the following.

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