Brad Lucas

Programming, Clojure and other interests

Get Hyperlink Value From An Excel Cell

August 3, 2017

I received a spreadsheet with a list of addresses setup so you can click the name in the cell and it would open. I wanted to export the actual url which is inside the cell.

You can do this with a function. Open the VBA editor with Fn/Option F11 on the Mac. Then Open Modules and insert a new module with a name of your choosing.

Paste in the following function, save and exit the VBA editor

Function GetCellURL(cell As Range) As String
     On Error Resume Next
     GetCellURL = cell.Hyperlinks(1).Address
End Function
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Default ssh usernames for ec2 instances

August 2, 2017

I started a project with many different ec2 instance types and found the following link very useful recently.

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Cleaning Global Installs With Pip

August 1, 2017

I moved to Python3 and looked back and realized I had a ton of things installed globally for Python2. With this realization I wanted to clean everything out.

Here is one method

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
$ pip uninstall -y -r requirements.txt
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Get Ip Address Of Ec2 Instance

July 31, 2017

A quick command to figure out what your IP address is.

$ curl
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Amazon Linux Ami

July 30, 2017

  • Based on CentOS/Redhat and you can use Redhat/Centos repositories
  • Has better integration and has EC2 management tools pre-installed
  • There may be issues at times due to dependency issues
  • One potential issue is you can't run Amazon Linux outside of EC2
  • Local/developer builds may be on their own RHEL/Centos but there may be slight differences
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