Brad Lucas

Programming, Clojure and other interests

Advent Of Code

December 5, 2017

After taking a month off from writing blog posts I've just found something interesting to point out. The other day I found this "Advent Calendar" idea for programmers. Each day you solve a puzzle or two to unlock the day. With twenty five days to complete it looks like an interesting activity for the month of December.

If you are curious a bunch of Clojurians are listing their solutions repos here:

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Gpg Signing Failed Inappropriate Ioctl For Device

November 5, 2017


gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

To fix:

$ GPG_TTY=$(tty)
$ export GPG_TTY
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Clojure Ads.txt Crawler Reporting Site

October 19, 2017

Continuing with the Ads.txt crawler has lead to the idea to store the crawler results in a database and have them available from a web site. This post introduces the first pass as such a site with the source code available in the following repository:

Ads.txt Review

As a quick review the Ads.txt standard is one where publishers can host a simple text file with the names of authorized ad networks that have permission to sell the publisher's inventory. There is a reference Python crawler for such files and I've built a crawler in Clojure as an alternative. See this link for a series of posts about the Ads.txt specification and the development of the crawler. The crawler project is here.

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Heroku Keep Alive

October 18, 2017

Running a free Heroku app which falls asleep? You can use a service to ping it periodically to keep it alive.

Here is one:


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Coin Market Cap Update

October 17, 2017

So, it looks like the CoinMarketCap has changed their site a bit and it breaks the script I wrote back in July. Many thanks to cool007zqw for pointing this out by adding an issue on the repo.

On investigation it looks like CoinMarketCap changed the url to the page which the script was developed for.

The new page is as follows:

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