Brad Lucas

Programming, Clojure and other interests

Website Grader

July 10, 2009

I've been working with the websitegrader seo tool. So far, I've managed to get our company website from 56 to 82.

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Grand Central Terminal Departures

July 9, 2009

View the departure screen before you run for the train.

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Google Map Entry

July 1, 2009

Updated the Beacon Hill company Google maps entry.

Beacon Hill, New York

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Simple Emacs Mark Completed Function

October 23, 2008

I’ve been in the habit of keeping track of things in todo lists using Emacs’s outline-mode. This works great to organize things but I needed a better way to mark completed items. I have the files in source control so I could delete them and still know of them using a diff with a previous version but this is clumsy. Otherwise, I could mark items with a date or a DONE but this gets ugly. instead I have this simple emacs function that takes the current line as moves it to the bottom of the file with the date prepended.


(defun mark-completed ()
"Move the current line to the bottom of the file and prepend the date."
(move-beginning-of-line nil)
(kill-line 1)
(if (not (eq 0 (current-column)))
(insert " - ")
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Bash Function To Download A Web Site

October 23, 2008

Remembering all the options for wget is the reason for the following function. Add it your .bashrc and then run ‘wget-site URL’ and you’ll get a copy of the site locally for offline browsing

function wget-site {
wget -v -m -w 2 -p -E -k $1
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